What's all this, then?

Long ago, I worked to create a modification of Legends of the Old West that supported Barsoomian adventures. It was a lot of fun, but I never really got to play the game very often, and there were some aspects of the play that I didn't really enjoy.

I thought back on the game, and decided that I would come up with my own skirmish rules. Here they are.

Right now they're very incomplete.

If for some reason you feel compelled to give the a try, I would really appreciate it if you would give me a heads up and some feedback.


The game is now ready to play.

Turn Sequence

Action Points

Optional - this hasn't been playtested yet




Other Actions


Big Men

These are larger than life characters, who inspire and lead a band of men. Some characters start out as big men. Some characters are elevated to the status of big man by circumstance. There must always be at least one big man in each warband.

There are limits to the number of big men you are allowed to take with a warband. I’ll discuss that in force composition.


Red Man

Green Man


Ranged weapons can also be used in melee (you can always use a pistol like a club). When rolling to shoot, Ranged weapons use Shoot to determine if a hit is successful. When used as clubs, ranged weapons use Bludgeon. Obviously, ranged weapons do not use ammo when used in melee.




