Green Men

"...terrific incarnation of hate, of vengeance and of death. The man himself, for such I may call him, was fully fifteen feet in height and, on Earth, would have weighed some four hundred pounds. He sat his mount as we sit a horse, grasping the animal's barrel with his lower limbs, while the hands of his two right arms held his immense spear low at the side of his mount." - A Princess of Mars


A Green men unit must take at least 3 models. You may spend tanpi 200 to recruit and arm a Green Men Warband. At least one character must be a Leader. The number of the the Green Men Warband can not exceed 12 characters. The number allowed is listed in parenthesis next to each type of fighter. The exception is the Green Warrior, of which you may recruit any number.

Green Warrior

Shootin' 4+
Fightin' 3
Strength 4
Guts 3
Wounds 2
Attacks 2
Pluck 3
Fame 0
Fortune 0
Move 8
Cost 19


The Green Men come with a Radium Rifle, Longsword & Dagger. They may select these additional items for the following cost:

ShortswordTanpi 5
Radium RifleTanpi 10
LanceTanpi 15
ThoatTanpi 25

Dead Eye (pg. 91)

Jed (Chief)

(0-1) (Leader)
Shootin' 4+
Fightin' 3
Strength 5
Guts 3
Wounds 2
Attacks 2
Pluck 4
Fame 1
Fortune 0
Move 8
Cost 23


The Green Men come with a Radium Rifle, Longsword, Shortsword & Dagger. They may select these additional items for the following cost:

Radium PistolTanpi 5
LanceTanpi 12
ThoatTanpi 25

Dead Eye (pg. 91)

Jeddak (Emporer)

(0-1) (Leader)
Shootin' 4+
Fightin' 3
Strength 5
Guts 3
Wounds 2
Attacks 2
Pluck 4
Fame 2
Fortune 1
Move 8
Cost 24


The Green Men come with a Radium Rifle, Longsword, Shortsword & Dagger. They may select these additional items for the following cost:

Radium PistolTanpi 5
ThoatTanpi 25

Dead Eye (pg. 91)


The Jeddak can inpire his troops to follow him, by terror or by loyalty. Often the former amongst the cruel Green Men. Pluck value may be used for Pluck tests taken on behalf of any friendly character within 8". If a Head for the Hills test is called for, the Jeddak's Pluck value must be used even if his is not the highest in the Warband.